App Packager v2.7.2

pack your apps ready for your Cordova builds
You have your app ready, but don't know how to pack it?
App Packager can do that for you! Declare what plugins your app will use, choose your app icons and splash images, control your app preferences and more! 
Download for the platform of your choice


  • App Personalization
    Manage the status bar color, icons, and splash images for Android and iOS.
  • Plugin Management
    Manage your app's plugins with ease. Indicate the source of your plugin and an optional version. You can also declare plugin variables.
  • Compatible with Cordova CLI / CI/CD
    Manage your apps, signing keys, and generate a valid config.xml for Cordova CLI or a CI/CD platform all from App Packager.
  • Let it Pack for You
    Packing is what App Packager does best. It will create your project ZIP file for you, no need to remember what folders to include or what files.